RuralPlus – Start of project result 3
The University of Cyprus is the leading organization for the third and final result of our project RuralPlus. This output is about the creation of a MOOC -Massive Open Online Course- …
The University of Cyprus is the leading organization for the third and final result of our project RuralPlus. This output is about the creation of a MOOC -Massive Open Online Course- …
Check out the first YouTube video for the DIGIWATER project , we proudly present the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), the visionary coordinator of the project. Subscribe to the channel!👇👇👇 …
Please check out the third Newsletter of the Erasmus+ Learning Age project that our lab is involved in. This is the final Newsletter!!
Multiplier Event Announcement Since October 2020, we have been working on the Erasmus+ project “Digi-Ageing: overcoming loneliness” in the framework of an international consortium, with the aim of creating a comprehensive …
💪Please check out the third Newsletter of the Erasmus+ Learning Age project that our lab is involved in!! Content of the Newsletter: 👉1) 3rd TPM in Cyprus👉2) Summarise the tasks carried …
Bringing Higher Education Institutes Τowards Sustainability (BRIGHTS) Δέκα (10) φοιτητές έχουν την ευκαιρία να λάβουν μέρος σε εκπαιδευτικό Εργαστήριο που πραγματοποιηθεί στο πλαίσιο του Ευρωπαϊκού Έργου ERASMUS+ ‘BRIGHTS – Bringing Higher Education Institutes Τowards Sustainability’, …
🛎GTUP! Platform Update 🛎 We are happy to announce that the development of tools of the Girls Team Up Erasmus+ Project under is going as planned! The tools are the following …
On the 7th of June our lab hosted the Final Conference of the CHAT2LEARN Erasmus + Project ! The agenda was as follows :👉🏻 Our Key-note speaker Chris Lazarides enlightened us …
The University of Cyprus in Nicosia hosted the third international meeting of the ‘The Learning Age’ project team 🇨🇾. The meeting was organised by SEIT Lab👍.During the meeting we had the …
Fantastic Update! We’re thrilled to share that the second project meeting for DigiCompass Erasmus Plus took place on June 27-28, 2023. This gathering was a pivotal moment as it focused on …
On 20th and 21th of June the partners of Brights met in Cyprus, in the Stelios Ioannou Resource Center of the University of Cyprus. The discussion of the TPM was on …
📅 On June 12th & 13th, 2023, the Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) for All-In&Win took place, and it was a resounding success! 🎉 The meeting brought together all project partners for …
On the 16th Of June 2023 the University of Cyprus hosted their Multiplier Event for the Erasmus+ Project DIPHE at the social activities building of the new UCY campus in Nicosia. …
On the 15th of June 2023, the consortium of our Erasmus+ project DIPHE (Digital Inclusive Physical & Health Education) met with physical presence at the premises of UCY in Nicosia for …