TPM for Erasmus+ Project “EPSILON”

Our lab had a very successful meeting in Lisbon, Portugal for the Erasmus+ project EPSILON. Project EPSILON addresses the needs of both European Data for Good initiatives and HE institutions. Together …


Fantastic Recap! The 1st Digicompass meeting in Wiener Neustadt was a success, held from January 16 to 17, 2023! Our mission in the Digicompass project is to shape a modern accreditation …

TPM of the”Facilitate – AI” project

Transnational two-day project meeting in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, was concluded on the 23rd of November. Useful discussions revolving around the facilitation of AI in schools arose from the development of 18 Learning …

Training in Sofia for the project “Facilitate – AI”

A three day training for the project “Facilitate – AI” was held on 7-9 September 2022. The training was on the topic: “How can we facilitate the learning of Artificial Intelligence …

SEIT Lab @ National Info Day Horizon Europe

On the 18th of January, 2023, the SEIT Lab attended the National Info Day for “Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024”. The event described research areas of particular interest to Europe and …

๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒฑ Exciting News: The FOOD4ALL Project Has Officially Started! ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ“š

We are thrilled to announce the launch of FOOD4ALL (Fostering Online Operative Development for Agriculture Literacy and Learning) โ€“ an Erasmus+ project dedicated to promoting agriculture education among primary and secondary …

Final Dissemination Project Conference for the project D-COLLAB on 15th February 2023

Final Dissemination Project Conference for the project D-COLLAB called “Methodological and Technological Aspects of Digital Teaching and Learning” will take place on 15th February 2023. For more information and registration form …

2nd FARM Webinar

21st of December 2022๏ธ 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM In this virtual event, we’ll talk about the IO3 of FARM project titled: Creating two prototype DSS tools ๏ปฟ

DIPHE Erasmus+ Project – Second TPM at Bordeaux, France

On the 8th of December 2022, the partners of our Erasmus+ project DIPHE met at the city of Bordeaux in the east of France for the second transnational meeting of the …