Brights project were our lab participates is hiring!!
BRIGHTS is hiring: the project is looking for an External Evaluator!
The external evaluator will be in charge of the quality review of the project’s outcomes, in terms of: achievement of objectives and results, impact, coherence, involvement of external stakeholders. S/he will analyse data about the project in order to identify strengths and weaknesses especially in relation to the quantifiable impact of the project activities in the involved universities. Periodical reports will be released to check project progress and make recommendations.
The External Quality Expert will be responsible for:
a) the finalisation and official definition of quality indicators and of monitoring procedures;
b) the elaboration of evaluation reports.
The aim of the external evaluation is to ensure that monitoring of the project is performed adequately and accurately. It identifies procedures, criteria and resources for monitoring the project. It also deals with the evaluation of the progress of the project, risk and issue management and with the evaluation of the results in comparison with the needs of the target group(s) and sector(s).
The external evaluator will receive a 5.000,00 euros reward for the entire activity.
Interested? Here you can find the call, have a look and send us your CV, with previous experiences, at brights@unipv.it
More info here : https://brights.unipv.it/news-events