EPSILON Erasmus+ Project

EPSILON – European Platform for Data Science: Incubation, Learning, Operations and Network Project EPSILON addresses the needs of both European Data for Good initiatives and HE institutions.Together with a leading European …

REBEL Erasmus+ Project

REBEL Repurposing Education through Blended Learning Start: 01-03-2021 – End: 28-02-2023Project Reference: 2020-1-IE01-KA226-SCH-082959 Project Website: http://rebelproject.eu/ SEIT Research Laboratory (Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory) of the Computer Science department of …

New E-Sticky graphics

Some new graphics were presented in our latest meeting about eSticky AAL Europe! The eSticky project aims to support people with memorization problems to maintain their autonomy of life. The board …

Digi-Sporting Material Repository Post

Check out post about Digi-Sporting Project where our Lab participates!We are responsible for the technical part of the project! We created a material repository so that files can be uploaded to …

What is the technology behind eSticky?

What is the technology behind eSticky? Our platform makes use of the best technologies, and above all of 3 main features: To find out more click here. Visit our website https://esticky.eu/

CHILD Project KickOff Meeting (Online)

The Kick-off meeting took a virtual place on February 14, 2022, on the Zoom platform with the participation of all project partners. First, there was a welcome presentation from the leader …

CHILD Erasmus+ Project

CHILD Challenging of pre-schools for an innovative and creative Environment Start: 01-02-2022 End: 01-02-2024Project Reference: 2021-CY01-KA220-SCH-000023910 Project Website:  http://child-project.eu/ SEIT Research Laboratory (Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory) of the Computer Science department …

Our GUIDed project has entered user trials!

End-user testing is an essential part of software engineering. It happens behind the scenes of every software product we use every day. This type of testing is important as it helps …

MyCred4Home Erasmus+ Project

Developing micro-credentials for home care sector Start: 01-11-2021 End: 01-05-2024Project Reference: KA220-ADU-25DAA59E Project Website:  https://www.mycred4home.eu/ #MyCred4Home intends to promote social and professional inclusion for low qualified profiles by combining two EU tools, one new, still …

DIPHE Erasmus+ Project – Online Kick-off Meeting

On the 20th of December 2021 the first meeting of our Erasmus+ project DIPHE – Digital Inclusive Physical & Health Education was held. As with other projects commencing during this period …

Διημερίδα Έργου ReaDI-STANCE!

Το Ερευνητικό Έργο «Reading Difficulties Intervention: Scientific, Technological, and New Community Efforts» (ακρωνύμιο: “ReaDI-STANCE”), διοργανώνει διημερίδα για την παρουσίαση των αποτελεσμάτων της έρευνας. Στόχος του Έργου ReaDI-STANCE ήταν να συμβάλλει στη …

Learning Project starts!

A new Erasmus + Project called “Learning Age” starts on the 1st of December 2021 “The Learning Age” aims to improve the digital competencies of senior adults to facilitate the use …