​D-COLLAB: Collaboration for Effective Digital Education- Newsletter 1

The SEIT Lab of the University of Cyprus participates in the D-Collab. Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices, Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness. The …

Digi-Sporting: Self-assessment questionnaire for clubs

In the context of IO3 of the Digi-Sporting Erasmus+ Project, our team here at the SEIT lab, designed and developed a web platform and a tool for the self-assessment of sports …

DigiWater Newsletter

The SEIT Lab of the University of Cyprus participates in the DigiWater project (“Digitalisation of water industry by innovative graduate water education”), an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Cooperation and Innovation for …

#Erasmusdays2021: Digi-Ageing Multiplier Event

The SEIT Lab participates at the #Erasmusdays2021 by hosting a Multiplier Event for the Erasmus+ project Digi-Ageing! Organizer is our collaborators the Materia Group. The event will take place on Thursday, …

Transnational Project Meeting for our Erasmus+ project ALIVE

The project’s second meeting was organized in Brno, Czech Republic, on September 27&28, 2021. It was a hybric meeting, with some partners attending it physically and others online. Starting with a welcoming …

Introduction to Digi4Me

The increasing demand for healthcare services is changing the required skills in the health sector. The Erasmus+ Digi4Me project addresses the skills insufficiency of the health sector and looks into determining …

Digi-Sporting 4th Project Meeting

The European project Digi-Sporting: A new step towards digital transformation through sports science (2019-1-ES01-KA203-065505) held its fourth Translational Project Meeting, between all the partners. Due to the Corona-Virus world crisis, the …

Kick-off Meeting for our Erasmus+ project PIECIT

The European project PIECIT: “Inclusive practices of creative and innovative teaching with ICT/LKT in schools ofspecial difficulty“, held its Kick-Off Translational Project Meeting, with the physical presence of all the partners …

PIECIT Erasmus+ Project

PIECIT Prácticas inclusivas de enseñanza creativa e innovadora con TIC/TAC en escuelas de especial dificultad Start: 30-06-2021 End: 29-06-2023Project Reference: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-095780 Project Website:  http://ourinclusiveschools.eu/ SEIT Research Laboratory (Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory) …

GUIDed Presentation at Assistive Technologies for Older Adults workshop

Our GUIDed project partners Materia Group presented the project at the collaborative workshop organized on June 4th, by the IOANNA, ReMember-Me and iCan AAL funded projects titled “Assistive Technologies for Older …


The SEIT Lab, of the University of Cyprus participates in the WINDEXT project (“Advanced maintenance, lifetime extension and repowering of wind farms supported by advanced digital tools”), an Erasmus+ Key Action …

Tovid Kick-Off Meeting

The European project TOVID: “Teaching Online: Video Initiatives in Digital Education and Module Learning“, held its Kick-Off Translational Project Meeting online on the 16th of June, 2021. It was a very …

What is dementia – eSticky project

What are we without memory? It is possible to face daily challenges by forgetting who we are or the name of the objects that surround us. Memory is a territory still …