Multiplier event for our Erasmus+ Project DIPHE in Nicosia

On the 16th Of June 2023 the University of Cyprus hosted their Multiplier Event for the Erasmus+ Project DIPHE at the social activities building of the new UCY campus in Nicosia. …

Ray Sweeney on the stage of UCY during a meeting of the DIPHE project

DIPHE Erasmus+ Project – 3rd TPM in Nicosia, Cyprus

On the 15th of June 2023, the consortium of our Erasmus+ project DIPHE (Digital Inclusive Physical & Health Education) met with physical presence at the premises of UCY in Nicosia for …

T4SVEN – Multiplier Event of the Project in Cyprus

On the 15th of June our lab hosted the Multiplier Event of the T4SVEN Erasmus + Project ! The agenda was as follows :👉🏻 T4SVEN project overview/ Project Results👉🏻 eLearning Platform👉🏻 Evaluation, …

CHAT2LEARN Translational Project Meeting

📝CHAT2LEARN Transnational Project Meeting📝 Yesterday, the 6th of June our lab hosted the Final TPM of the CHAT2LEARN Erasmus + Project ! The project Partners have discussed about all Project Results. …

RuralPlus – Approaching completion of second project result

The second result of our project RuralPlus is nearing completion. This project result concerns the development of a training program for trainers and mentors who offer advice to citizens, mainly in …

RuralPlus – 3rd TPM in Portugal

On the 31st of May 2023, the consortium of our project RuralPlus attended with physical presence the project’s third Transnational Project Meeting which took place at the offices of HIESE, in …

Digi-Ageing Final Conference

Final Conference of the project Digi-Ageing in Vilnius The final conference of the project Digi-Ageing took place on the 25th of May in Vilnius. The international scientific conference titled “Reducing loneliness …

Child Newsletter #2

10 May 2023 – CHILD Project Newsletter #2 Content : 1. Kickoff Meeting Activities 2. Transnational Project Meetings 3. Platform Link Click bellow to view ! Tap the image to view …

MyCred4Home – 3rd TPM In Cyprus

On the 3 and 4 of May, the partners of our Erasmus+ project #MyCred4Home met in Nicosia, Cyprus for the third transnational project meeting, hosted by University of Cyprus. During the …

CHILD eBook !

The first result of the Erasmus+ Project CHILD is now ready and uploaded in the project website! The e-book is about Developmentally Appropriate Practices on Kindergarten Settings. Check it out here

CONNECT Multiplier Event in Cyprus

A national multiplier event will be organized in Nicosia, Cyprus, 27 April 2023 to highlight progress made so far, and further increase school community involvement, while heading to the final phase …