On the 30th of December 2022, staff Dr Alexandros Yeratziotis and Constantinos Loizou represented the UCY team of our AAL project GUIDed at the International Entrepreneurship Forum 2022 (IEF2022), which took place at the University of Cyprus.
The IEF2022 event invites research teams from all the academic institutions in Cyprus to express their interest to participate and/or to partner for the establishment and coordination of IEF 2022 Research Results Exhibition. It also promotes successful entrepreneurial action, innovation and research commercialization by bringing together the Cypriot academic, research and start-up communities with global innovators, successful entrepreneurs, change makers, thought leaders, technologists, and industry experts.
During the event our team held a stand, exhibited poster and handed out flyers, all promoting the GUIDed project. The team also had a change to demonstrate many features and services of the project to event attendees, which included experts from the fields of academia such as psychology professors, business advisors and elder care specialists, all of whom expressed great interest in the project and applauded its marketing potential.
In numeric terms, the total event participants were measured in hundreds and our staff gave a direct presentation/demonstration to approximately 12-20 attendees.