The revolution brought about by the introduction of ICT (information communication technology) favors social well-being by introducing intelligent systems.

Emerging technologies, applied in every field, in order to obtain satisfactory results, require a solid phase of experimentation.

Great satisfaction for the first technical test of the eSticky hardware.

The company HICS, parent company of the eSticky project, starts the test phase on the hardware system of the digital post-it and the partners contribute to the start of the test.

The consortium, created to help people with cognitive difficulties related to the use of memory, invests in bluetooth low energy technology and wi-fi remote connection.

The hardware model designed for the use of eSticky is subjected to the first testing tests, with the aim of observing, evaluating and analyzing the results. 

Interface, usability and reaction times are part of the procedures belonging to the ICT dimension since they require empirical observation and verification.

The final test of a product is crucial for production and distribution on the market: if you are unable to pass the test phase, you need to review the entire hardware architecture.

