The European project Digi-Sporting: A new step towards digital transformation through sports science (2019-1-ES01-KA203-065505) held its second Translational Project Meeting, between all the partners. Due to the Corona-Virus world crisis, the meeting was held Online.
The meeting was initially scheduled for May 7 in Cyprus. Nevertheless, due to the current situation, which makes it impossible to hold meetings and travel, the consortium has quickly adjusted to an Online version, on the same date.
The meeting was successful and the next steps of the project were discussed and defined.
Please stay tuned for the project’s website, coming in the next weeks. In the website the first result of the project will be published, a guide to the application of new technologies and the needs of professionals in clubs and academies.
Recall that the objective of this project is to reduce the distance between technology and sports clubs, providing tools that allow knowing the possibilities offered by new technologies for their work, their accessibility, and offering training resources to improve their adaptation.
Reference: http://igoid.uclm.es/digi-sporting-no-para-segunda-reunion-internacional/