CS Colloquium Series @ UCY
Department of Computer Science - University of Cyprus
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Colloquium: Dealing with Emerging Data Challenges in Query Processing, Dr. Ekaterini Ioannou (Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus), Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 11:00-12:00 EET.
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus cordially invites you to the Colloquium entitled:
Dealing with Emerging Data Challenges in Query Processing
Speaker: Dr. Ekaterini Ioannou |
Modern applications (e.g., Web 2.0) have introduced new challenges to information integration, including higher levels of data heterogeneity, uncertainties, and more frequent data modifications. In this presentation, I will present approaches for dealing with such challenges, focusing on two domains: Entity Resolution and Volatile Graphs.
Entity Resolution is the task of detecting and creating entities, one for each set of instances that describe a distinct real world object (e.g., location, event). The vast majority of existing entity resolution approaches from the database community execute this task in isolation from queries, i.e., entity resolution is executed at a pre-processing step, and the resulted final entities are directly used while processing queries. I will present an alternate direction, where entities are resolved on-the-fly during query processing and query semantics support the retrieval of complex analytical information over a (potentially, huge) collection of possible resolution worlds. I will then discuss how to move towards achieving a deeper integration with the resolution methodology followed by the Information Extraction community through a holistic in-database query processing over information extraction pipelines.
In the second part of the presentation, I will briefly present a time-travel approach for efficiently retrieving analytical information over graphs composed by volatile data, e.g., for systemic risk analysis in the financial domain. I will first discuss queries and semantics that are useful for analyzing dynamic graphs and then present mechanisms for efficiently processing such queries.
Short Bio:
I am a lecturer at the Open University of Cyprus, faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences. Previously, I was an external lecturer at EPFL in Switzerland, an independent expert for the European Commission, a research collaborator at the Technical University of Crete working with Prof. Minos Garofalakis, and a researcher at the L3S Research Center in Germany working with Prof. Wolfgang Nejdl. My research interests are in the areas of information integration, entity linkage for heterogeneous data with uncertainties, blocking-based entity resolution for large size collections, and management of uncertain data using statistical models.