CS Colloquium Series @ UCY
Department of Computer Science - University of Cyprus
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Colloquium: The Internet of Things: Challenges and Experiences, Dr. Natividad Martinez Madrid (Reutlingen University, Germany), Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 10:00-11:00 EET.
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus cordially invites you to the Colloquium entitled:
The Internet of Things: Challenges and Experiences
Speaker: Dr. Natividad Martinez Madrid |
The Internet of Things (IoT) seems to be omnipresent in our current world. Whether in smart homes, in connected cars, in smart factories or health technologies, many developments are related to IoT. But what is actually the Internet of Things and what is new about it?
This lecture will present an introduction to the Internet of Things and its interpretation in different application domains. It will show the evolution of embedded systems towards the Internet of Things as well as the future expectations. A review of the most relevant hardware, software and network technologies in the field will be offered, including also data analytics and cloud solutions for IoT. Some practical experiences and initiatives in the different application domains will be highlighted. The lecture will close with a discussion on the current challenges of the Internet of Things.
Short Bio:
Natividad Martínez Madrid researches in the areas of Internet of Things, mobile computing and biomedical computer science. Her current interests are centered in cost-effective, non-intrusive bio-signal monitoring, affective and behavioral computing and ambient assisted living. She is the Director of the Internet of Things Laboratory and coordinates the interdisciplinary Ambient Assisted Living Lab at Reutlingen University. She obtained her PhD in Telecommunication Engineering in 1998. She has previously been project coordinator at the Research Center for Computer Sciences (FZI) in Karlsruhe and Professor at the University Carlos III in Madrid. She is Professor at Reutlingen University since 2010.
Sponsor: The CS Colloquium Series is supported by a generous donation from |