Short Biography
Marios D. Dikaiakos is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus. He is the Founding Director of the Laboratory for Internet Computing. He also served as founding Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship of the University (1/2015-1/2021) and Head of the Computer Science Department (2010-2014). Dikaiakos received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University (1994), an M.A. degree from Princeton (1991), and a Dipl.-Ing. degree from the National Technical University of Athens (summa cum laude, 1988). He was a Research Associate at the University of Washington in Seattle (1994-1995) and has held short-term visiting positions at the Paris Research Lab of Digital Equipment Corporation, France, the University of Crete, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and Rutgers University, USA.
Research Activities
Dikaiakos' research focuses on Internet Computing. Recent research activities focus on Cloud Computing, Online Social Networks, and Vehicular Computing. He has been a principal and co-principal institutional investigator or principal investigator for 25 projects funded by the European Union and the Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus, and has published over 170 papers in books, international scientific journals and refereed conference proceedings, and was in charge of the development of several research software systems released internationally. More information on ongoing projects, open research positions, past and future events can be found on the Web site of the Laboratory for Internet Computing.
Teaching Activities
In the spring 2025, Professor Dikaiakos teaches EPL133: Object-Oriented Programming and MAI622: AI Entrepreneurship. Ιn previous years, Dikaiakos has taught courses in Cloud Computing and Web Technologies, Object-Oriented Programming, Online Social Networks, and Information Retrieval, and AI and Technology Entrepreneurship.Service
Professor Dikaiakos is a Senior Member of ACM. He was Program co-Chair of the 29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (EuroPar 2023), General co-Chair of the 19th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium in Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2019), and Conference General co-Chair of the 2012 Annual Privacy Forum. He has served on the program and organizing committees of numerous international scientific conferences, on various advisory committees of the Republic of Cyprus, and on many international and national scientific review panels. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the CYENS Centre of Excellence.Contact Details

Postal address:
- Dept. of Computer Science
- University of Cyprus
- PO Box 20537
- 1678, Nicosia
Office address (see map):
- Room 012, Computer Science
- School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Bld. 1
- University of Cyprus
- 1 University Avenue
- 2109, Aglantzia
- Phone: +357-22892700