EPL035: Data Structures and Algorithms for ECE
by Demetris Zeinalipour
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus

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CS Courses

EPL035: Links
Useful Links and Manuals

Please read / install all material that appears as bold below :
  • Running Unix Commands and C Programs on your Windows PC
    • Cygwin Installation Minimum Installation Pack - 22MB
      • To install the complete emulator visit: http://www.cygwin.com/
  • Running Unix Commands and C Programs on your MacOSX
    • Unix Commands: Simply open the Terminal Application (under Applications -> Utilities) 
    • Compile C: Install the Developer Tools that are part of the 2nd installation DVD that comes with your MAC
    • XCode: The ultimate free text editor for MacOSX (also part of the 2nd installation DVD that comes with your Mac)
  • Department of Computer Science Infrastructure
    • Unix Laboratory B103 Manual with SSH (PDF in Greek): Use this manual to understand how to connect to the Laboratory Machines from Home using a console.
      • Please notice that the machines have changed their names to: {b103ws1, b103ws2, ..., b103ws33}
      • Putty: Connect and securely interact with the Departmental Machines using SSH (for Windows only, for UNIX users use the ssh command)
      • WinSCP: Transfer Files from Home to your Departmental Machine (for Windows only, for Unix users use the scp command)
      • EPL371: Course covering advanced UNIX commands and programming
    • Unix Laboratory B103 Manual with NX (PDF in Greek): Use this manual to understand how to connect to the Laboratory Machines from Home using a Visual Interface (i.e., NX)

    • Helpdesk: Report Problems related to your CS account (please use with care)

    • Moodle: Assignment Submission, Discussion Forums, Grades, etc.

    • Wiki: CS Technical Support Q/A (for advanced users)
  • Developing software with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Advanced Tools (not applicable for EPL035)
    • SVN (SubVersioN): software versioning and a revision control system - used to develop software in groups (check files in/out, lock files, recover previous code, etc.)
      • To use this service, you will need to request the creation of an SVN repository through Helpdesk after talking to some faculty member. For some courses (e.g., EPL132, EPL371, etc.) these accounts are created automatically by the Instructors.
      • RapidSVN: Free Cross-platform Client for connecting to the Departmental SVN reporsitory
      • Versioning Extension (SVN) for Eclipse: Subclipse (PDF in English)
    • VMAP: Install Multiple Operating Systems on your PC with the Ultimate Virtualization Software (VMWare) - e.g., Install Linux on your Windows PC or vice-versa
      • Enrollment Form : To use this service, please return the form to the CS System Administrators in FST01-001 (available to all students taking CS courses)
      • More Information: Please consult these pages for more information on the VMWare Academic Program
    • VPN: Use this service to remotely become part of the CS Department or the University Network (in a secure manner)
      • Description: Being part of the CS or UCY network, will allow you to connect to IP addresses that would otherwise not be visible from the outside world (e.g., printers, certain servers such as email, digital libraries available on campus through the library etc.) Additionally, all communication from your remote terminal and the University is encrypted. Don't use this tool if you are already physically in some of these networks (e.g., while being at the CS Department)
      • Install Cisco VPN Client 5.x (Windows - vpnclient-win-msi-, MacOSX - vpnclient-darwin- )
      • Download CS Key (to connect to CS.UCY Network) - Download UCY key (to connect to UCY Network - These keys must be imported through the wizard available in the Cisco Client. Susequently, you will be able to connect to the CS or UCY network, respectively. This even works for your favorite Smartphone (e.g., iPhone, Android, etc. search Helpdesk)
    • MSDNNA (MSDN Academic Alliance) - Obtain Free Access to many software tools provided by Microsoft
      • Enrollment Form : To use this service, please return the form to the CS System Administrators in FST01-001 (available to all students taking CS courses)
      • Includes Visual Studio IDE for developing C#, Visio Diagram Tool, XNA Game Studio 4, Windows 7, etc.
    • Mounting Departmental Files on your Computer: Besides SCP, there is another way of transferring files back and forth to the departmental servers. The given method can only be used while you are at the department or if you are connected through VPN. In particular, here we will explain how to access your files, stored on the Departmental filesystem, directly (as if these files were locally stored on your PC (i.e., Windows/Linux/Mac). Before proceeding, make sure that you have logged in recently from one of the Windows machines available in the laboratory. This will make sure that your WINDOWS username/password is updated (which is currently different than the UNIX username/password you utilize).

      Mounting UCY Folder from MacOSX
      Finder -> Go -> Connect to server
      Server Address: smb://csfs1.cs.ucy.ac.cy:<yourusername>
      Type your Windows username/passwd.

          - csfs1.cs.ucy.ac.cy: is /home/faculty
          - csfs5.cs.ucy.ac.cy: is /home/projects
          - csfs7.cs.ucy.ac.cy: is /home/students
          * to find the rest ssh to www.cs.ucy.ac.cy and type command "mount"

      Mounting UCY Folder from Windows
      1) Windows Explorer -> Tools -> Map Network Drive
      2) Select drive letter ans in the folder enter \\csfs1\<username>
          - csfs1.cs.ucy.ac.cy: is /home/faculty
          - csfs5.cs.ucy.ac.cy: is /home/projects
          - csfs7.cs.ucy.ac.cy: is /home/students
          * to find the rest ssh to www.cs.ucy.ac.cy and type command "mount"
      3) Supply the domain username as (cs-ucy-ac-cy\<username>) and
         password and the new drive will be available.
      Mounting UCY Folder from Linux
      sudo apt-get install smbfs (requires sudo access)
      sudo mkdir /media/windows_share
      sudo mount -t smbfs //csfs1.cs.ucy.ac.cy/dzeina/ /media/windows_share -o username=dzeina,password= 


Copyright � Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus