GridBench: Metrics and Benchmarks for the GRID


Our goal is to propose a set of performance metrics to describe concisely the performance capacity of Grid configurations and application performance. Moreover, to develop and implement GridBench, a set of benchmarks that are representative of typical Grid workloads. Such benchmarks will be used to estimate the values of performance-metrics for different Grid configurations, to identify important factors that affect end-to-end application performance, and to provide application developers with initial estimates of expected application performance. A suite of benchmarks will be deployed and validated in the CrossGrid testbed.

This work is carried in the scope of Task 2.3 of the Work-Package 2 of the CrossGrid project. The main work of this task will be performed by UCY.

Check out the new Gridbench Demo, the GridBench Tutorial and the GridBench brochure!




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Grid Benchmarking

Grid Performance

Performance Analysis

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